哪些包可以帮助你为你的应用或使用 HTML 构建的网站搭建一个一流的后端服务器?Swift 有多个成熟的后端框架、ORM、数据库连接包等。
vapor作者: Vapor
Vapor is an HTTP web framework for Swift, providing an expressive and easy-to-use foundation for websites, APIs, and cloud projects.
swift-openapi-generator作者: Apple
Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document. Includes multiple repositories for extensibility and supports various transports.
hummingbird作者: Hummingbird
Hummingbird is a lightweight, flexible server framework written in Swift. It consists of an HTTP server, a web application framework, and extension modules.
MongoKitten作者: Orlandos
MongoKitten is a fast, pure Swift MongoDB driver built for Server Side Swift. It supports both MongoDB in server and embedded environments and can be used with Vapor or Hummingbird.
SwiftyBeaver作者: SwiftyBeaver
SwiftyBeaver is a flexible, colorful, lightweight logging library for Swift. It supports console, file, and cloud destinations and is ideal for server-side Swift.
fluent作者: Vapor
Fluent helps you work with databases, providing a high-level, type-safe API for querying and manipulating data in Vapor apps.