Swift 有出色的内置日志功能, but start with this list of packages if you want to extend or find something specific to your needs.
CocoaLumberjack作者: CocoaLumberjack
CocoaLumberjack is a fast, simple, powerful, and flexible, logging framework that allows logging to multiple destinations simultaneously.
SwiftyBeaver作者: SwiftyBeaver
SwiftyBeaver is a flexible, colorful, lightweight logging library for Swift. It supports console, file, and cloud destinations and is ideal for server-side Swift.
swift-log作者: Apple
SwiftLog is a community-driven logging API package for server-side Swift applications. It provides easy logging of messages to a shared destination and supports various logging backends for customization and integration.
Datadog作者: Datadog, Inc.
This library provides Swift and Objective-C SDKs to interact with Datadog. It includes features for log collection, trace collection, and RUM events collection.
Pulse作者: Alex Grebenyuk
Pulse is a powerful logging system for Apple platforms. It records and inspects logs and network requests, and allows for real-time viewing and sharing.
Wormholy作者: Paolo Musolino
Wormholy is a debugging tool for iOS network calls. It records app traffic, reveals request and response content, and helps with debugging and bug fixing. It works with NSURLSession and external libraries like Alamofire and AFNetworking.